Parish Council Meetings

Parish Council Meetings

The local government year runs from 1 April to 31 March.

Parish Council Meetings are held six times a year at Grewelthorpe Village Hall, HG4 3BU. Meetings usually start at 7.30 pm with Annual and Parish meetings starting at 7.00pm.

We hope this website gives you information about your parish council; who your councillors are, what the parish council does, how it is organised, what it spends and how it is funded.

If you wish to contact the parish council and ask a question about something, please use the contact page. Your message will be directed to the Parish Clerk.


All face-to-face meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees and Sub-Committees are held in line with legislation and public health advice in place at the time. 


The Parish Council will set out in the agenda the arrangements for safely meeting (for example social distancing, wearing of face coverings (unless exempt), hand sanitising and other measures) and, if appropriate, the number of the public that can be accommodated.


If there is a large influx of the public for a meeting which exceeds the room’s safe capacity as stated on the agenda, then the permitted number of attendees will not be exceeded. The Parish Council will manage this as we would usually any disruptive behaviour or health and safety risks. 


If the assessment is that the room cannot hold a safety meeting and no other venue is available or there is no outside space then, then the Parish Council will take appropriate mitigating actions.


Please refer to each agenda for details of the venue and any arrangements for a safe meeting that have been assigned to that meeting.


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